Children are important for the future …

All children need to be protected from bullying. They become bullied at school, through their computers and unfortunately, some even from those who are supposed to protect them – their parents and family members.
Archangel Uriel has given us a way to help this situation:
Visualise a golden ball around them, and this ball has a protective energy around it. When negativity is attacking them, it will bounce back to where it came from but changed to unconditional love.
This will work two ways; it will protect the person being bullied and also the unconditional love that keeps coming back to the person being nasty, will change this bully person.”
Primary School bullying
I ( Estella ) decided this was worth a try so I thought I would work on each of my grand children’s schools as I am familiar with their schools. On thinking about it I wanted to work on a lot of children at the same time and had to work out how I was going to do that.
While they are at their assembly. Right. My mind was fixed on my grand- daughter’s primary school; the students were all together in the assembly and I called Archangel Uriel to help me.
Each child is a unique individual
It was incredible to see all these bubbles surrounding each of the children.
Something very unexpected happened, though; the bubbles changed to different colours. I asked what was happening and I was told:
Children are all different and have different needs and as you know, colours have their own vibration, so as well as protecting the children, the vibration the children are deficient in their bodies are absorbing, so changing the colour of the bubbles.”
Bullying at high school
I then had my High School grand-children. I was wondering how different it would be with older children.
As I started the area looked electric with blue flashes of energy light everywhere. This was a surprise! My mind stayed fixed on what I was doing and gradually the area settled down to the different colourful bubbles again.
Awareness of your child’s situation and environment will create a lifetime positive effect
Uriel explained:
In this older group there are more children affected by bullying than adults realise. This is the age group in which some have been bullied right from when they were little and have kept it a secret, too afraid to tell anyone. These are the children who become depressed about life.”
We can change that!
Until you try doing what Uriel has shown us you won’t believe what happens. I must admit I was not expecting to see what I saw but I felt so good to be able to help so many children at one time. I will start looking up other schools to help these beautiful beings.
I hope you all give it a go …
To protect one child is great but to protect so many at a time is amazing.
It’s great to have happy children, enjoying life without fear.
The love of Light be with you,