Spread love wherever you go …

Love can be thought of as being affectionate together or being with friends and family. Another type is the love with Spirit.
Your Spiritual love is unconditional. Whether you have done something wrong or nice, Spiritual love does not waver like a lot of other loves do.
When you feel happy your energy is high and things go well. When you are happy think about how you feel. You will discover you have love in your heart when you feel happy. It is amazing how when you’re happy things just fall into place.
The law of attraction …
Happiness is contagious; just watch how people are around you when you’re happy.
So with your vibration raised, you help raise others’ vibration and that is special. How that happens is we all have an energy field around us called our aura and when other people come near you, their aura meets yours and the higher vibrations help to raise their vibration.
Have you ever walked into a room and it feels uncomfortable? This is because the vibration in the room is low; there are unhappy or cranky people there.
But have you ever not felt really happy and walked into a room where people are laughing and very happy? They lift your vibration and to your surprise, you feel really happy again!
How you can help yourself and others …
There is so much stress, depression and unhappiness in this world. It is so good to be able to start the change. Many people say “I am only one person, so how can I help?” You will be amazed how an individual can help.
If you keep your energy or vibration high, you’re in balance with your soul, Spirit or Creator (everyone calls their Guide or Soul the name they like). With such help by your side, you can start changing the world. You know when you throw a stone in a pool of water you can watch the ripples go and go that is how your love and happiness goes.
You know when you throw a stone in a pool of water you can watch the ripples go further and further outwards? That is how your love and happiness spreads beyond yourself …
Just imagine a thousand happy people having their high vibration travelling, reaching a lot of others. You know even if you make one person happy that’s good, but you will be affecting more than one person.
Another way you can use love and is if you know someone who is ill … sit down and really think of them and how you would like to see them feeling well and send them love.
Love is so powerful …
Expect your love to help. If you send the thought and belive this is rubbish, then it won’t work because you haven’t been in the love vibration; you have lowered yourself to a negative energy.
Trust what you are doing …
If you feel yourself slipping and you’re not as happy, then sit down and identify what has changed your feelings; talk to your Spirit who will, if you listen to thoughts popping into your mind, help.
Sometimes what you have wanted is not good for you and your energy drops and you become out of balance with your soul .
Think of happy thoughts so your energy rises …
You will notice how life goes better when your energy is up and there is love in your heart; things go wonderfully, but when you’re down in the dumps, the whole world seems to be against you.
Isn’t it worth working on happiness and having love in your heart?