About Estella
How can Estella help you?
Estella Love has 4 main ways of helping you live a happier, more spiritually fulfilling life:
- Energy Healing
- Answer your question
- Meditations
- Books & CDs channeled from ancient Masters
She has been leading groups for over twenty years, teaching about the benefits of spiritual living, how to enjoy life and how to meditate for multiple health and healing benefits.
Within her groups Estella has taught various healing methods and many people also phone her for individual, private healing sessions.
She has recorded numerous CDs which contain meditations and energy healing from various ancient masters, helping her listeners with a range of challenges and problems.
Estella’s latest collection of energy healing is now available in both book and CD formats.

Estella’s Spiritual Energy Healing
This powerful energy healing can take place remotely – we do NOT have to be in the same room!
- Energy healing is a gentle, body-mind work combination with your willingness in using your intention to be well. It sets up the potential for change – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
- The treatment facilitates wellness through the release of energy blockages that usually manifest as pain and stiffness in the body and /or as emotional issues such as depression.

Ask Estella A Question
This is a free service to Estella’s followers and readers.
- Questions by Estella herself or by interested readers.
- Readers are free to share their wisdom.

Estella’s Meditations
Estella has been leading meditation groups for over twenty years, teaching participants about the health and well being benefits of the regular practice of meditation.
She offers both free and paid meditations and you can download a free relaxation meditation here.

Discover If Energy Healing Is For You.
Your First 15 Minutes Are Free!
We don’t need to be face to face – we can work together over the phone or on Zoom …