A while ago a woman came to see me for an energy treatment. She wanted her chakras cleaned and balanced. I asked her where she was from and she said she was like a gypsy. When I asked her what she meant she started to explain what was happening to her.
She lived in a beautiful spot near the ocean but when she went to sleep each night she felt she was being violated. It was as if someone was having sex with her, but no-one was there. This obviously made her feel very uncomfortable and scared. She figured the house was haunted and moved to a large town but it still happened. She now lives in the country with no change.
I said to her how about we see what’s going on because if a spirit likes you it will follow your wherever you go. Spirits have no space or distance challenges.
When I connected with her I found a past life lover who could not understand why she was frightened of him. After speaking to this lady and explaining what was happening she thought it was nice he loved her so much but wanted him to go.
When chatting to her spirit friend I explained that this was her physical life she wanted to live and he needed to leave her alone and wait until she passes and then he could talk to her and if they wanted they could resume their friendship. He was very sorry he had upset her and left.
I spoke to her a while later and I was happy to hear she now sleeps peacefully and is enjoying staying put for a change.
It’s amazing what spirits can do and many people do not realise the way they suddenly feel or act can be simply because a spirit has attached to them.
Have you ever been somewhere and someone creeps up behind you to surprise you and you get the feeling there is someone there before you even see them?
Well that is because their energy field or aura connects with yours. If you ever feel anything like that and there is no-one there it is probably spirit with you.
If it worries you give me a call and I will help you. I often work from Serenity Lodge Day Spa so you can ring and leave a message there for me, +61 24970 4333 or leave a message on my website www.Estellasmessages.com
We do not have to meet face to face because I am happy to do phone consultations.
May the Light of Love be with you.
Estella Love