It’s amazing how many people suffer from stress, depression and panic attacks.
We don’t realise our brain is like a big sponge, absorbing everything we do and absorbing our emotions. We can think of stress as like hurting our back.
We bend over to put our shoe on and we have such severe pain and we blame it on that one action.
But really, that pain stems from maybe months or years of not looking after our spine.
Stress is the same
As a child we may have had a terrifying event happen or someone was nasty to us. Our brain absorbs that emotion and when we are exposed to more stress, the mind remembers how we felt.
Each time a stressful thought or eveny occurs your brain clicks back and the emotion surfaces again.
Stress weakens our immune system and this can lead to other problems. As well as feeling bad within ourselves we can also cause unhappiness to our loved ones.
We have an energy field around us and repeated stress puts it into a negative spiral.
Do you understand that when we are stressed it effects those around us?
It puts them on edge, ready to argue. This often causes relationship problems.
I’d like to help de-stress you with an energy treatment.
If that seems like something you would like, we can have a chat about how I may be able to help you. And If you know someone else this information may help, please feel free to forward it to them. Click here for more information.
May the Light of Love be with you,
For more information, please click